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Benefits of Flower Therapies on Balance

by Laurent Gheller |

Did you know that our world is full of natural wonders that can have a significant impact on our well-being and emotional health? Flower essences are one of these wonders, offering profound harmony to our daily existence. In this article, we'll explore the many benefits of Flower Essences on our emotional balance and general well-being. Discover how these flower therapies can promote harmony and emotional health, and help you find optimal balance in your life.

Key points to remember :
  • Flower essences are preparations based on specific wild flowers, used in natural medicine and floral therapy.
  • These flower essences balance our emotions and promote inner harmony.
  • Flower essences have many benefits for our mental health, relieving stress and anxiety and promoting a positive, balanced state of mind.
  • They can be used in conjunction with natural medicine to achieve natural, balanced well-being.
  • There are different ways of using flower essences in floral therapy to rebalance our emotional health and promote our well-being.
  • Flower essences are also beneficial for children's well-being, helping them to find emotional balance from an early age.

What are flower essences?

In this section, we'll delve into the definition and origins of Flower Essences. Flower Essences are preparations based on specific wild flowers, including the famous Bach Flower Rem edies originally developed by Dr. Edward Bach. They are used in natural medicine and flower therapy to promote emotional well-being and general balance.

Flower essences, also known as flower elixirs, are subtle extracts of flowers. They capture the energy and vibration of plants, offering emotional and energetic support.

Bach Flower Remedies

Bach Flower Rem edies are a popular form of Flower Essences. They were developed by Dr. Edward Bach in the 1930s. Dr. Bach was convinced that negative emotions were at the root of many physical illnesses, and created 38 flower remedies to help balance the emotions and restore inner harmony.

" Bach Flowers are a precious gift from nature. They help us to harmonize our emotions and regain our inner balance." - Dr Edward Bach

Flower essences, including Bach Flower Remedies, can be used by everyone, whatever their age or state of health. They are safe, non-toxic and present no risk of side effects.

Flower name


Rock Rose

Helps overcome extreme fear and anxiety

Rescue Remedy

Suitable for emergency situations and moments of intense stress

Cherry Plum

Helps control temper tantrums and emotional outbursts

Star of Bethlehem

Helps overcome emotional shocks and traumas

These examples are just a few of the best-known Bach Flower Remedies, each offering specific benefits for our emotional balance. Flower essences are a wonderful natural alternative for supporting our mental and emotional well-being.

Tatwa Master Plant Flowers

This system, which has been around for many years, is based on the work and studies of Dr. Edward Bach, and offers a unique and innovative system derived from the ancestral knowledge of the indigenous communities of Latin America.

The plants used in this system are master plants and adaptogens, which have the ability to show blockages and obstacles to the person consuming them, notably through dreams, which are amplified and specific to what needs to be understood. Unlike Bach Flower Remedies, these elixirs enable us to get to the source and origin of a condition, so that we can correct it by taking action and having a ripple effect on the manifestation.

Tatwa Master Flower Essences, like Bach Flower Remedies, can be used by everyone, whatever their age or state of health. They are safe, non-toxic and present no risk of side effects.

You'll find a selection of these wonderful essences under the following link: Flower Essences | The Mirror of the Soul

Flower name



To boost your self-confidence, cultivate deep self-love and balance your feminine yin energy. This unique product is specially formulated to awaken your creative power, helping you reconnect with your most authentic essence.

Help with post-partum depression


Promotes inner balance and harmony with your chakras, awakening deeper levels of consciousness and facilitating lucid dreaming.

Enjoy an enriched meditation and yoga experience, while receiving spiritual and intuitive guidance.


Helps release anger and cultivate peace, ideal as a complement to techniques such as ho'oponopono (self-forgiveness). Connects you to your life purpose and mission.


Promotes a clear mind and a life fully lived in the present moment, an ally in cultivating unwavering focus and clarity of purpose.

Helps get rid of confusing thoughts and mental fog, so you can concentrate on what really matters.

Chiric Sanango

Helps with processes such as depression, bereavement and sleeping difficulties (emotional sleep disorders - see homeopathic sleep medicine). Ideal for recovery processes


Reinforces your own ability to set healthy limits and say stop when necessary, thus avoiding the burn-out trap. Reconnects you with your inner child, enabling you to explore your fundamental emotional needs.


Ally for physical and mental exhaustion. Provides invaluable support in regaining balance and harmony through vitality.

Favors anchoring and rooting. Vertigo and altitude sickness.

Invaluable support for addictive behaviors.


Helps cultivate letting go and expanding consciousness.

Navigating through emotions of sadness, injustice and guilt, guides to a state of deep acceptance and understanding.

Valuable support for those facing the fear of death.


Ally for positive transformation. Ideal for cultivating the practice of gratitude and freeing yourself from the stress of hyper-control and excessive demands.

A more flexible mind, away from perfectionism and intolerance. Free yourself from the weight of stress and self-demand, to embrace a life of celebration and authentic joy, and savor every moment.

How do Flower Essences work?

Flower essences are powerful elixirs that act on our emotional health and intelligence, and promote inner harmony. Their mechanism of action is based on the idea that each plant contains a specific energy capable of restoring emotional balance and stimulating our well-being.

Flower Essences have a profound effect on our emotions, resonating with our specific emotional state. They help us identify, understand and transform negative emotional patterns, promoting better emotional health and greater emotional intelligence.

Flower Essences work by harmonizing our emotions, helping us to manage stress, anxiety, sadness and other disturbing feelings. They also reinforce our ability to express our emotions in a healthy, constructive way.

Floral essences are made by capturing the vibratory energy of flowers in pure water and adding a small quantity of alcohol, known as the solvent in plant alchemy. These flower essences can be taken orally or applied directly to the skin. They are safe, non-toxic and have no undesirable side effects.

Here are some examples of flowers used in Flower Essences:

  • Tatwa flowers: for emotional, mental and spiritual balance and inner peace.
  • Chichaja: to boost self-confidence and relieve feelings of insecurity.
  • Caapi: to calm anxiety and quiet the mind, so you can be more connected to the present moment, to what really matters.
  • Badoh: to reinforce your ability to set limits when necessary.

Thanks to their subtle mechanism of action, Flower Essences help us to regain our emotional balance, develop our emotional intelligence and cultivate an inner harmony that is reflected in all aspects of our lives.

The mental health benefits of flower essences

Flower essences are a natural and effective way of supporting our mental health and overall well-being. These flower therapies offer many benefits for our emotional balance, helping us to find the tranquility and serenity we need in our daily lives.

One of the main virtues of Flower Essences is their ability to relieve stress and anxiety. Essences obtained from specific flowers can soothe our worries and concerns, promoting a positive, balanced state of mind.

Flower essences are also highly beneficial for overall emotional health. They work in depth to rebalance our emotions and help us deal with difficult situations with greater calm and clarity of mind.

Another benefit of Flower Essences is their ability to promote overall well-being. By working on our mental health, these flower therapies help strengthen our inner balance, enabling us to face life's challenges with greater resilience and positivity.

"Flower essences are true allies for our mental health. Their soothing, balancing power helps us regain inner peace and cultivate deep, lasting well-being." - Dr. Marie Dubois, renowned psychiatrist

Regular use of Flower Essences can also help prevent mental health problems and maintain optimal emotional balance. Whether for coping with daily stress, overcoming emotional difficulties or simply maintaining healthy mental health, Flower Essences are a natural and powerful choice.

The mental health benefits of flower essences



Stress reduction

Soothes tension and promotes relaxation

Anxiety relief

Calms worries and promotes appeasement

Emotion regulation

Balances moods and promotes emotional harmony

Enhancing general well-being

Improves sense of well-being and promotes inner balance

Preventing mental health problems

Helps maintain optimal emotional balance

Flower essences for natural well-being

Flower essences are wonderful allies in promoting our natural well-being and emotional health. Complementary to natural medicine, these flower essences offer a holistic approach to achieving optimal emotional balance.

When we seek well-being, it's essential to take our emotional health into account. Flower Essences are specially formulated to act on our emotions and promote inner harmony.

By using Flower Essences, we can benefit from a natural medicine that takes into account our whole being and aims to restore our emotional balance in a gentle and effective way.

Flower essences are real gems of nature, offering us natural solutions to cultivate our well-being and emotional health.

A complement to natural medicine

Flower essences are often used as a complement to natural medicine to support our general well-being. By promoting emotional balance, they can provide natural relief from stress, anxiety and other emotional disorders.

By working in synergy with our body and mind, Flower Essences help us to regain our natural balance and develop optimal emotional health.

A holistic approach

Flower essences are a form of natural therapy that takes into account our whole being, both emotionally and physically. They help us to balance our emotions and cultivate inner harmony.

By integrating Floral Essences into our wellness routine, we nourish our body, mind and soul, promoting natural, lasting well-being.

Comparing flower essences and conventional medicine


Floral Essences

Conventional medicine


Holistic, taking into account the whole being

Specializing in specific symptoms

Mode of action

Emotional balancing and natural harmonization

Symptom control and medication

Side effects

None to low, with no risk of dependence

Possible side effects and dependence


Compatible with other treatments

Possible interaction with other drugs

Natural medicine and flower essences offer us a complete approach to caring for our natural well-being and emotional health. By integrating these gentle therapies into our daily lives, we can cultivate optimal emotional balance, promoting our overall well-being.

How to use flower essences

The use of Flower Essences offers many possibilities for rebalancing our emotional health and promoting our well-being. In this section, I'll introduce you to the various methods for enjoying the therapeutic benefits of Flower Essences.

Topical application

One of the most common methods of using Flower Essences is topical application. Essences can be mixed with a carrier oil, such as coconut oil, and applied to the skin. This method enables rapid absorption of the essences' healing properties, promoting emotional balance and optimal emotional health.

Oral intake

Another way of using flower essences is orally. The essences can be diluted in water. Oral intake allows direct absorption of the essences into the digestive system, offering therapeutic benefits for our emotional health. It is important to follow the dosages recommended by a health professional.


Diffusing flower essences is a popular method for enjoying their therapeutic benefits. The essences can be added to an essential oil diffuser, creating a soothing, balancing environment. Diffusion purifies the air and promotes a positive, serene state of mind.


Vaporizing Floral Essences is another common method of use. Essences can be mixed with distilled water in a vaporizer and sprayed into our environment. This method creates an atmosphere of well-being and emotional harmony.

Combining methods

It's also possible to combine different methods of using Flower Essences to maximize their therapeutic benefits. For example, you can apply an essence topically while diffusing another essence into your living space. The aim is to find the method that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

The different ways in which Flower Essences can be used offer a flexible and diverse approach to rebalancing our emotional health. Whether you choose topical application, oral intake, diffusion, vaporization or a combination of these methods, Flower Essences can become invaluable allies in promoting your well-being and emotional harmony.

Flower essences for children's well-being

Flower essences offer many benefits for children's well-being. These flower therapies are valuable allies in helping them find emotional balance and develop optimal emotional health from an early age.

Flower Essences are natural plant- and flower-based remedies that work in harmony with children's bodies and minds. They can help balance emotions, manage stress, improve self-confidence and promote restful sleep.

Children are often more sensitive and reactive to external influences, which can affect their emotional well-being. Flower Essences, with their gentle, natural action, can be used alongside other methods of emotional support to help them cope with the challenges of everyday life.

Whether to help them better manage their emotions during periods of change, such as starting school or moving house, or to support them in their emotional development, Flower Essences are a safe and effective option for promoting children's well-being.

The benefits of flower essences for children:

  • Promotes emotional balance
  • Helps manage stress and anxiety
  • Improves self-confidence
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Promotes quality sleep
  • Supports emotional development

Flower Essences are safe for children and can be used conveniently and easily. They are available as oral drops, making them ideal for use at home or on the move.

It's important to consult a qualified flower therapy professional to determine which Flower Essences are best suited to each child. Each child is unique and may have specific emotional needs, so a personalized treatment plan must be established.



Emotional balance

Helps maintain healthy emotional stability in children

Stress management

Helps children deal effectively with stress and anxiety


Contributes to the development of positive, healthy self-confidence

Boosting the immune system

Can help boost the immune system in children

Quality sleep

Can promote restful, quality sleep in children

Emotional development

Supports children's emotional development


We have studied the benefits of flower essences for emotional balance and general well-being. These flower essences prove to be invaluable allies in promoting harmony, well-being and emotional balance in our daily lives.

Through their use in flower therapy, Flower Essences offer us a natural approach to rebalancing our emotional health. Their unique properties help us to manage stress, calm anxiety and cultivate a positive state of mind.

We've also discovered how these wonderful flower therapies can be used to support children's well-being from an early age. By nurturing their emotional balance, we help them grow up in an environment conducive to their optimal development.

In short, integrating Flower Essences into our daily lives is a valuable way of taking care of our emotional health. Their beneficial effects on our overall well-being enable us to find the harmony and balance we need to live fully and serenely.


What are the benefits of flower essences for our equilibrium?

Flower essences can promote emotional harmony and contribute to our general well-being. They are known for their ability to balance our emotions, relieve stress and anxiety and promote a positive state of mind.

What are flower essences?

Flower Essences are preparations based on specific wildflowers, including the famous Bach Flower Remedies, or the Tatwa Master Flowering Plant System. They are used in natural medicine and flower therapy to promote emotional balance and well-being.

How do Flower Essences work?

Flower essences work by harmonizing our emotions and emotional intelligence. They help balance our emotional states, promote inner harmony and improve our overall emotional health.

What are the benefits of flower essences for our mental health?

Flower essences can have many benefits for our mental health. They can relieve stress, anxiety and emotional disorders, and promote a positive, balanced state of mind.

How do flower essences contribute to our natural well-being?

Flower essences are an ideal complement to natural medicine for achieving optimal emotional balance. They promote emotional health, well-being and harmony in our daily lives.

What are the different ways of using flower essences?

Flower essences can be used in a variety of ways in floral therapy, such as oral intake, topical application and inhalation. Each method offers its own advantages for rebalancing our emotional health.

How can flower essences help children's well-being?

Flower essences are also beneficial for children's well-being. They can help them find emotional balance, develop optimal emotional health from an early age, and promote their general well-being.

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